Friday, March 23, 2012
Expert Textpert contributor Allan Davis on Mormon Matters
Expert Textperts writer Allan Davis is on the latest Mormon Matters "Matters of the Heart" podcast to discuss ideas introduced in his recent post "On Masturbatory Rage." The podcast is an excellent reading of an equally interesting essay. Our blog name is a just a catchy-sounding throwaway reference to an obscure Beatles lyric, but if any contributor deserves the title of Expert Textpert, it is Allan, who is one of the most thoughtful, intelligent, and spiritual individuals I know. Whether you're in the midst of a faith transition or satisfied with your current place in the church -- or any other group you identify with -- the ideas in the podcast can provide greater perspective and understanding in how you interact with others. It has inspired me to try and think more carefully about what I write and say, and hopefully it does the same for you. Any comments about the podcast or your take on its ideas are welcome.